No matter what company you are or what products or services you deal, you’re going to want to do marketing research. This can be done in numerous ways and in this post I will talk about one way that I think is a growing trend. This form of research is the survey that you sometimes receive on your receipt or at the very least a URL that is on your receipt that leads to a survey. I’m not so sure how effective this is; most people that I know (I included) simply throw the receipt away and never give it a second thought. Sometimes the company will offer possible rewards and prizes for doing the survey- Panda Express offers a free entre with your next purchase for example. Other companies such as chain stores will offer big money shopping sprees, but we all know how hopeless this is so we all don’t even attempt it. Overall, I think this method is largely ineffective; yes, it is cheap, but I would guess the survey is largely ignored. There are many other better ways to gather information and I think that if you do choose to do the survey on the receipt, you should probably have some other marketing research methods as well.